Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Outtake #1..but not really a Blooper though

Aiigh Star, so I was writing this poem about you [mind you it's like 4am] and I just started flowin like crazy outta nowhere. Now I didn't intend for the final cut to be so...rhythmic. However, the bars were soooo true I couldn't just discard them altogether. That being said, I hope you like my lil outtake :D

"And she’s soooo damn sweet when she wants to be
There for me so much I call her Shoulder Lean
Love ‘er to death, although she’s over Leem
She’ll have a place in my heart like a HOME-n-ME
…get it?? “Homie” Home-Me
Can’t thank ‘er enuff for the love she’s shown me
Been 8 years, ain't no way she's phony
So I can't stay mad even when she BLOWS me"

Saturday, May 15, 2010

SMH for Being Mislead

A searing pain..I'm all fucked up internally
Waayyy worse than heartburn or any other physical ailment...heartbreak
Slowly my soul is decaying..i can't sleep, all i can do is think about it
And when i do sleep, it hurts there cuz then i dream about it
Nightmares and it's no fair..she thinks im a fiend about it
While she broke my soul wit ease by which Im utterly astounded
Manslaughter yo..and i felt like she did it happily
A cruel, sick joke...and it came to 'er naturally
Here i was, thought i was more than a toy..tool..stepping stone..
good dick..sweetheart..nurse/chef..CONFIDON
Thought she..was wife..well guess..i was wrong
Shitted on my dreams..Leemy's hopes got pottied on
Ripped out my heart & left it pumpin..bleeding
I planned to make her Misses Toppin
...but she was just Miss-leading


If u find 'em treat with care..
He's kind and giving and loving and affectionate and supportive and it LIVES to please
And he's Willful, optimistic, strong, and utterly brilliant
..doesn't ask for anything aside from love and honesty..although loyalty and gratitude are also much appreciated
He has been trampled in the past-misused and abused-but if you're willing to look past the battle wounds..
..expose him to a better life, they're bound to heal soon.
@ one point love consumed him to the point of blindness..deafness too
But heartbreak opened his eyes and ears to reality
The harsh truth of what he'd thought for years was meant to be
...was so easily torn from his grasp
Now he wanders..the Kay without the Jay he'd all this time put before...before himself
..clueless and lost as to what's to come after...after this
"Where to now??"..the query consumes his every thought
Optimists would call him a free spirit
..but in reality he's more like a lost soul